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Stéphanie Tessier


I am taking part in Montréal.AI's great journey and I am particularly interested in cognitive computing, ontological engineering and Deep Learning.


I also participate in various charitable works. I get involved particularly in the area of sharing of knowledge and access to information as well as in the promotion of law and the welfare of women.


Montréal.AI is able to achieve AI contracts for businesses and organizations. We offer an introductory course in AI for the general public with the Montréal.AI Academy. We also offer tailor-made training in business (Chief AI Officers).  We are also concerned about ethical issues and we are launching a group of ethics and governance about it. Please feel free to join our group. Furthermore, you can watch again the AI Debate herethe AI Debate 2 and the AGI Debate.


AI Debate 2: Night of a thousand AI scholars:


The Debate of the Next Decade – AI Debate 2 Explores AGI and AI Ethics:


Leading computer scientists debate the next steps for AI in 2021:


Machines that think like humans: Everything to know about AGI and AI Debate 3


What we learned about AI and deep learning in 2022 


My blogs and civic engagement


My blog: Huffington Post 


Visit my website: Recovering from Eating Disorders


I launched Les Zèbres du Québec, a wonderful citizen initiative created by Alexandre Jardin and Guillaume Villemot. With the help of Sylvette Muller and Valentin Bernard, among others, Les Zèbres du Québec now support Les Cafés en attente du Québec (Suspended Coffee). A benevolent and helpful citizen gesture to promote social inclusion.


Les Zèbres du Québec can be found on Facebook!


I also took classical dance classes in the class of Mrs. Gisèle Jacques-Richard and figure skating classes at the Charlesbourg Figure Skating Club during my childhood and my adolescence. At Université Laval, I received a formation in art criticism. I am also passionate about poetry.



Crypto AI Art -


Montreal.AI offers collections uniting art, artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency. MONTREAL.AI MASTER is an AI painter capable of generating the purest archetype of an art movement. "Becoming" is a limited collection of 1,000 unique artworks generated by artificial intelligence (with two generative adversarial networks trained with the greatest art movements), at the intersection of the AI art market and the crypto art market.





A new NFT collection of poems has been created: "En rouge et noir".


The collection started with my words, but it is now the result of an artificial intelligence.



Deep Law - AI & Law



I am currently working on a project which aims at a better analysis of an issue, a specific search of practical solutions and an optimized final presentation. I am also interested in the creation of smart contracts on Blockchain. 


I am passionate about computer science, logic and law. In the kelsenian mind, I wish legal science was more logical. I work on projects related to virtual legal assistance and AI.


Problem: The body of documentation is vast, information sources are heterogeneous, tags are often in HTML and without logical structure. The documentation is polysemiotic.


Solution: Do a really smart and not just syntactic search with Artificial Intelligence (AZIMUT - SOQUIJ, CIDREQ, PPSA, THE LAND REGISTRY, THE SUPERINTENDENT OF BANKRUPTCY, ETC.). 


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©2024 Stéphanie Tessier (stephanie[at]

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